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Monday, September 19, 2011

Birthday food- with a Peanut(s) theme

Apparently my previous post on peanuts resonated with many of my friends as it seemed to be the topic of choice at my birthday celebration. It began with Liz's sister-in-law, Laurie, sweeping peanut dust and crumbs that she had accumulated at the Braves game, out of her purse onto the patio furniture and floor. As i was squirming my friend Elizabeth was lightly mentioning... oh no peanuts... claire is allergic. She reads my blog!

elizabeth, me and julie at The Marlay
As it turns out Laurie's son is also allergic to peanuts, which she later relayed to us in a story about how she once felt like the worst mother in the world because her son ate some thanksgiving turkey fried in peanut oil. Of course he later had anaphylactic systems and she, as a mother and a nurse, felt horrible for not realizing that peanut oil was used to fry the turkey. I had a similar experience with almost eating a peanut-fried turkey, so i know the feeling. On a side note, she did not know i was allergic to peanuts when she was cleaning them right out of her purse onto the table, but she sure found out quickly! Thanks friends!

some of my loot and 1/2 a st. bernardus!
Later Shellie mentioned something about how i should take the day off of work on my birthday and have some of the delicious peanut butter pie at Java Monkey. Ah, i said, but i am allergic...  which happened about the same time everyone else at the table said "READ THE BLOG". Which is when elizabeth all but quoted my blog post and said "you are one of those friends that never remembers she is allergic". Everyone got a good laugh but luckily no one got a peanut butter pie for me. I got a Bruster's ice cream pie (like a cake w/o the cake) just as i requested.

Bruster's caramel apple pie! Yum!
The next day i begrudgingly went to work after having to psych myself up for a good hour. I promised myself i could leave at lunch (which i did not) and convinced myself it would be better to be at work than at home (it wasn't). However, there were a few bright spots to day, one of which being when my friend Dr. Maloof stopped by my office to give me my peanut themed gift.

This was the outside of the gift, with the appropriate packaging and note!
She remembered my birthday because her son's birthday is exactly one week before mine. Great people were born in September, i say! Nevertheless her gift was funny and right on track with the peanuts theme. Here is what the inside of the bag looked like!

very cute inside warning label for my gift!
And now for the peanut gift....

this cup is so appropriate in so many ways!
So, Dr. Maloof I am confronting the peanuts, with cartoons not legumes! and the life is hard part too!
Well it looks like my blog post about peanuts worked. Now most of my friends are aware I am allergic to peanuts, it was partially the topic of discussion at my BD soiree and I got a Bruster's ice cream pie!

Happy Eating! Especially birthday eating!

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