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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Observing People While Eating = People are weird

Disclaimer: I wrote this over a year and a half ago, but never published it because I didn't upload all the pictures. Since then the views of author don't necessarily reflect the views of the agency, but some do...

While I was dining at Taqueria del Sol recently I observed several points of interest that I thought were share-worthy. They also provide some vision into what is going on in my head as I simply seem to be an innocent young woman having dinner after work. Ha, Ha!
Taqueria del Sol- Decatur... walking distance from my house

First the couple that was sitting next ordered cheese dip, without chips. What? then they pull out a bag of their own chips/crackers they have clearly brought from home to eat with their cheese dip. Hum? They can't be trying to lose weight and skip the calories from the chips, because they did order cheese dip. So they must just be weird. This was my initial thought because who in the hell brings crackers to eat with cheese dip, especially when the chips at TDS are so good. Also this means they had to have planned ahead and knew they were ordering cheese dip before they showed up at TDS. Weird!
Perhaps this is what the original packing looked like?
They only brought the silver interior bag, sans box.

But, after some soul searching, I mean realizing I need to be more sensitive to others, I thought maybe they are trying to lose weight and this is a tactic.. an interesting tactic as cheese dip isn't exactly on a diet plan, but hey stranger things have happened and I should probably ask from some of those crackers to eat with my cheese dip. Well, i shouldn't have ordered the cheese dip in the first place but...
The culprit.... That oh so addictive cheese dip

However, the idea they were trying to lose weight went out the window when they ordered fried chicken tacos and beef red chili to complement their cheese dip, so onto another politically correct thought. Maybe they need to eat gluten free? Yeah, that is a nice idea Claire, gluten free that's the reason. That was, until they ordered tacos with flour tortillas and more flour tortillas on the side to dip into the beef red chili. So back to my gut instinct, these people are just weird. That is really ok, there doesn't have to be a politically correct explanation. Some people are just weird. Hell, I'm weird. My mother even said so.
Two fish tacos and a fried chicken taco... with flour tortillas

Then as I glanced behind me to spy on my former neighbor and colleague who I have strangely seen twice in the last week after not seeing her for at least 5 years,  I noticed a young couple letting their toddler stand on a table with her nasty-ass shoes as they giggled and cooed and I'm sure thought things like... our baby is so cute, she is so cute when she stands on this table that other people will soon be eating on, isn't our baby just so cute.... Yep, they let her stand on this unoccupied table as they cooed and smiled at her and then moved on, leaving nasty shoeprints on a perfectly clean and unoccupied table.
The scene was something like this, except the kid in question was a good year to two older, had on shoes and was not standing on their own occupied table (that is sure to be cleaned soon) but an unoccupied one.
Oh, the poor unsuspecting people that will eventually sit at that table and think it is clean. Little do they know some couple just let their oh-so-cute toddler stand on the table because she is oh-so-cute with those day-care infested nasty-ass dirty as a toddler can be shoes... and now you are eating in the same place. Can someone please do a scientifically valid study that proves mothers lose half their brain when they birth a baby? I am sure at some point this mother also said "I would NEVER let my kid do that" or maybe she didn't and she's just weird too.

Back to the folks sitting next to me. Now they are playing Words with Friends, with each other. Yep, one girl plays a word while the other ignores her, then she hands the phone to her partner who plays a word while the ignoring continues. Maybe they are talking a little between letters here, but the word playing is clearly the point here. So seriously, you come out to eat, to play Words with Friends, while swapping the one phone back and forth and bring your own crackers too boot! This is why i am single... i think, well maybe, anyway that is another topic! But seriously, is this not weird? Maybe I should explain the exchange better, maybe I'm the weird one...

I also discovered that I am capable of eating an entire bowl of cheese dip, drinking two Texas margaritas and eating an entire plate of Shrimp of Grits if I put my mind to it and most importantly if I am trying to lose weight. Yep, when do I over-eat the most? When i have decided the gut has to go and it is time to reel it in. No more cheese dip, means I'll eat the entire bowl, Thank you. What does telling myself I have to eat sensibly at home do? Well of course that means I deserve to go out and have a huge meal because I've had a bad day/week/month/semester/life. Of course it does. Look, I know I need therapy, but we've established that.

The Culprit... Shrimp and Grits! with cheese dip and an empty Margarita Glass!

To prove that point further it is important to mention the entire one-hour commute home when I was trying to convince myself to come home and eat leftovers and drink a glass of wine, the devil on my shoulder was screaming margaritas and cheese dip at TDS. Finally my Angel told my Devil we could eat there as long as we only ordered the Shrimp and Grits and NOT the cheese dip. As my Angel and Devil continued to fight, I knew what would happen as soon as we all set down at the bar and attempted to order without ordering the cheese dip. Duh Da duh.... Drum roll please...

As soon as the cute little waiter who used to hate me, but now likes me (i have that affect on people) asked me if I wanted cheese dip (in his passive but almost corporate marketing speak) the Devil would SCREAM, yes, I'll have cheese dip AND a Texas Margarita.

Nectar of the Gods.

Damnit. So much for that healthy lunch and walk. If my commute didn't suck so much, and my job wasn't so busy and if I didn't have so much stress in my life at the moment (offer on house, second offer on house, house is not on the market, move, don't move, quit job, get vested at job, refinance, taxes, travel, speech in front of the board of directors tomorrow, speech in front of the president tomorrow, ribbon cutting, grand opening, 25 essays to grade, etc) my devil wouldn't have to be so loud and my angel could steer me more in the right direction. Oh, yeah and my gut wouldn't be so damn big. Damn Devil (or Id, thanks Freud).

Therefore I've learned that if i wasn't trying to get rid of my gut, I'd probably have strolled up in there (DeKalb speak) ordered my Shrimp and Grits and one margarita, been fine and left still liking myself. Instead I fought my id the entire drive home, still ordered what the Id wanted and thus left hating that I negated all the hard work I had done trying to eat well all week (and was pissed at my devil aka Clairesse that she won again). Then when I told myself I was only eating 1/2 the cheese dip, I ate the entire thing, just as one margarita meant two. Such is life.

And finally I see my neighbors/former neighbors more at Taqueria or at Brick Store Pub than I see them in my neighborhood. Hey neighbor! Why don't you come over to my porch for a drink? Never mind, let's just meet each other up the street in one of the bars. Okay? Literally I have seen my former neighbor on the square more in the last two days than I saw her when we lived next door to each other. Not only do you have to get out of your house to see people, you have to leave your neighborhood to see your neighbors.

So the moral of the story is this:
 1) Some people are just weird, you don't have to be politically correct about it and assume they are eating gluten free or trying to lose weight when they bring crackers to use for eating their cheese dip. These people are just weird and will eventually play Words with Friends with each other, on the same phone, while they are eating dinner together using weird little crackers to eat glorisly good cheese dip that you know is better with the warm, homemade chips. Weird!

2)If i try and talk myself out of eating something, I am going to eat it and eat the entire bowl/dish/vessel and then eat something else just to prove I can. Forget trying to lose weight, I'm stuck here unless I all of sudden go through a horrible break-up again and lose 20 lbs.Weird!

3)I will never let my yet-to-be-born or created kids stand on a clean table, that is not mine, with their nasty-ass shoes while completely unaware of other people that will eventually eat at that table. And yes, I know all parents say this, BUT I really won't let this happen. Weird!

4) I will also never make those yet to be created kids clean their plate because once a member of the clean plate club, always a member of the clean plate club. Yep that is why I had to eat my entire bowl of cheese dip, drink all of my two margaritas and eat all of my shrimp and grits, because there are starving kids in Ethiopia you know! I seriously can't believe my parents used to say that to me, but they did... and I HAD to clean my plate, even after my smart-ass eight-year-old self asked if they wanted to mail the rest of my food to the kids in Ethiopia. I think i had to finish the entire casserole after I asked that and thus I blame all this on my parents (thanks again Freud). Weird..., parents that is!

Whatever... people are weird!

Happy Eating.

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