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Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm back

Well yes, obviously I took a little hiatus from this blog. I started it a few years ago (wow, has it been that long) and got sidetracked. I'm not sure what happened other than I was eating out so much the posting seemed laborious and I thought I had to post something about EVERY meal I ate outside of my home (and some at home too). I'm a Virgo i.e. perfectionist so forgive me. I also am a teacher who gets so frustrated with the spelling and grammatical errors my students make in their papers, emails, and speech that I pour over my posts for hours making sure they are grammatically correct. Which is ironic because English was my least favorite subject in school and I hated for my mother to correct my grammar. Karma's a bitch.

Anyway, a few years ago I was also concerned with anonymity and didn't want anyone to know who was writing this blog. Now, i couldn't care less. No one knows me anyway, so who cares.

Nevertheless getting this blog active has been on my list for a while now, so here goes. Scratch this one off the list.

This time I pledge to:
1. not stress about posting about every meal i eat at a restaurant, you probably don't care if i don't
2. not care that i don't like to make the effort to capitalize "i" in posts, you'll just know its me writing
3. not to be neurotic about spelling & grammatical errors, everyone makes mistakes
4. view this as fun, my job is work, this = fun!
5. put myself out there... My name is Claire and sometimes i go by clairesse, clarabella, claire bear, bella, hey you (not really), or Clairece (of Jodie Foster fame)
6. mention the names of my friends because boy! are they some characters


Happy Eating-

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