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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Corner Pub - Decatur

We went here on a Sunday in April for an end of the weekend treat since i was out of town on Friday. Unbeknowest to us there was a gumbo cook off that day. Many people had their gumbo creations in crock pots and after the judges were finished we were allowed to sample. Thank goodness one version of gumbo had a warning that it contained peanut butter, or i would have died right then and there. Yes, i am allergic to peanuts... highly allergic. I would probably die if i ate a spoonful of peanut butter gumbo.

As an aside here i have to wonder why some people are intent on making changes to things that work. Gumbo works as is with flour, veggies and seafood or chicken. Why must someone make a version of gumbo with lamb and peanut butter. I would have to argue that is not gumbo at all. But i digress, this is precisely why those of us with food allergies have to be extra careful and why some of us die while eating out. I always watch for peanuts in places where you typically find peanuts like cookies, thai food and brownies... BUT GUMBO. Surely not. This reminds me of a story a few years ago where a boy died after he at chili that contained peanuts. Why oh Why must we mess with a good thing and add crazy ingredients. However i have to give kudos to the person that took the time to make a sign warning us of the peanut butter in the gumbo. (of all things) Ugghh!

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